Ooh, a new thing!

G'day all!

Last week I got out some pretty coloured merino and silk, and merino and played with it and some bubble wrap and hot soapy water.

Yep, my first bit of felting. Deliberate felting that is ;-) We've all fulled stuff - one of my favourite pairs of socks got washed by DH the other week. The socks are tighter than they used to be. (Most of our washes, like 99.9% of them are done in cold water. The other 0.01% are in hot water cos after chucking all over the place, a certain pussy cat then went and messed in the dirty clothes pile....*sigh*)

You wanna see Yet Another Sock?

This one is Widdershins in a discontinued Patonyle colour (rather pretty in burgundy tweed), done on 2.5mm needles. Be warned this sock is tight! I ended up increasing in the shin/cuff (on each side of the cables it goes from one purl to two) cos it really was not particularly comfortable. The 2.5mm needles are 0.5mm up from what the pattern says. I do have a wideish foot but I would not say my ankles are thick (despite what the photo indicates!) and my instep is like my feet - flat. It is interesting to see how the different socks fit my feet. Oh, and the heel is modified mainly cos I had more stitches on it than specified cos as I said this is a TIGHT sock!

Nutmeg just had to get in on the photo shoot as I checked out whether one idea would work for the Knitty calendar entry.

Do you like the pomatofly? Not tomatofly, just a knitty fly. (not clickable)

Happy 100th, Mrs P - isn't she an old treasure? Not that I know her but she's in the local rag and is decked out in a crocheted poncho and hat :-) She looks as bright as a button too. (She's got her letter from the Queen - assuming Her Maj gets to 100, which is quite likely, who will send her a letter?)

Today we walked to Springvale and bought various vegies to cook up in stirfries (I just typed stirfires, which was appropriate for tonight's dinner as I added a leetle too much chilli *turns bright red and gets sweaty*). Springvale is odd - I am used to "woggy" places like Oakleigh which is all Greek and Italian, but Springvale is Vietnamese, Chinese, Cambodian, all sorts of Asian. It has a very different atmosphere. I think I can associate with Greek and Italian culture better. That may just be familiarity.

I've finally started doing what my spinning wheel wants me to do - I'm spinning lace. It likes lace. It goes WHIZ and spins lace. It doesn't like thick yarns. Dang! I have pics but just as I said yesterday, there is always another day!



  1. Hey Lynne, thanks for dropping by! Yepper, I'm a celiac, a knitter, a spinner, AND a blogger. Whoo!! No wonder I'm tired every day. Stop by any time.

  2. I want to pet Nutmeg's tummy!!! *pat pat pat*

    You are getting SO MUCH done - it's really quite amazing. :)

  3. Hee, I love the potomus-fly! There is just something about pomatomi :)

  4. I love the widdershins. And the potomus-fly. Hmm, what if you had a skein as the body and the bobbly ends of two needles as antennae?

  5. Pomatofly looks great. Interesting notes about Widdershins. I must bear them in mind when I start my pair.


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