A new age

G'day all!

Today I am a new age.  I am two years away from a very significant birthday.

I am usually coy about how old I am but it is time to own my age.  After all, I have wrinkles and am developing a liking for lavender, as in the smelly herb, not just the colour.  I've always liked lavender as a colour.

Still crazed and now with added wrinkles!

So happy birthday to me, today I am 48.  I am allowed to be wrinkly and like lavender.

Birthdays for me are special, even more so now.  Hooray, I've made it to another birthday!  I'm still here!  See?  I'm waving, over here!  Birthdays are for being made a fuss of.  Birthdays are for doing fun things and having parties.  That is why I'm having my birthday again on Sunday.

What did I do today?

Clever DH bought me yarn without knowing it.
I want more of these but I'm being good.
I have lots of yarn to knit.

Stuff all, really.  I developed a hankering for a new pan or something to dye yarn in, but neither of the local op shops had what I wanted and the local walmart equivalent only had what I wanted if I would pay three times what I wanted to pay for a dyeing pan.  I think I'll just get a big crock pot again (bigger than the one I cook our meals in - I discovered that two people only need a small crock pot) and then I can make all the nifty spray and splatter dyed yarn that I want.  (BTW, that is Madtosh Merino Light in Holi Festival, Cosmic Wonderdust and Magic.)

Swanson's Christmas display involves
model trains.

I went to Swanson's (nursery) and bought a crinum (lily) for the front yard and a bulb planting thing and two glass birds with feather tails for the Christmas tree when we get one.

I paid a medical bill.  I helped DH do some of the plastering in the garage whilst wearing my second best pair of exercise pants.

In other words, I lived dangerously and on the edge.


New knitting.

I knitted for a while and I spun some yarn and I wore a new dress and Nathan cooked ribs for dinner but we've decided we like the expensive ribs better (guess there's a reason for them being expensive!).  We watched "From Russia with Love."  It is weird how Bond starts cracking the Bond-isms two thirds of the way through the movie as he starts dispatching baddies.  I packed another couple of little tubs with fabric.

These are the dull tediums of rainy days in Seattle.  November is the worst month of the year for rain, and my birthday is right at the start of it.  We lose daylight saving on the first Sunday of the month and suddenly it is getting dark at 5pm.  On days like today, when the sun does not even hint at coming out from behind a cloud, it is quite dreary.  We might see a little bit of sun tomorrow but the first day the sun appears in the forecast is on Friday!


Ah well, this too will pass.  And that's another old person test I need to get done.  Yick!



  1. Happy Birthday ! Wishing you health, joy and wonderful moments for special memories !

    1. Thank you for the lovely birthday wishes!

  2. Happy Birthday, Lynne! Sounds like you are being treated like a princess...good! Love that MadTosh Merino Light. The colours are gorgeous! What are you making?

    1. Thanks, Dianne! Umm what am I making? umm.... probably shawly things, given how fine the yarn is and how likely it is to pill.

  3. You do make me laugh! Many Happy Returns to you! And can I just add I assumed you were heading for 40 coz I thought we were the same age(ish) - you look amazing!! x

    1. Thanks, Lynz! Yeah, I've got a few years on you!

  4. I am positive I wished you a happy birthday on yesterday's post, but Blogger obviously ate it. So let's have another go at saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Happy happy birthday to you! I too thought you were 38 heading to 40. You do look amazing. Have a second happy birthday on Sunday.
    Love the yarn you chose.

    1. Thanks, Ronniie! LOL, it must be attitude not appearance that fools people.

  6. Happy birthday. Enjoy your birthday week. I love that photo of you: a smile from ear to ear.

    1. Thanks, Alison! I like that I look a bit crazed. No wonder people think I'm nuts.

  7. Happy Birthday!! Isn't it great how everyday things are more fun on your birthday. A crinum is a wonderful birthdaty plant to buy! Those yarns are particularly yummy.


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