Zigzag quilt

G'day all!

A while ago, I joined a quiltalong. It's been fun so far, if you can call fun spending hours ripping out bad seams and about 20 hours pressing the seams open (mostly open except when they didn't cooperate). However, I seem to be all about the results, not the process of getting there.

The zigzag quilt is an interesting one, lots of opportunity for different effects depending on the colours and fabric designs used. I chose a warm/citrusy colourway for mine - stripes of red, orange, yellow, lime, leaf green and darker greens all set off by a dark brown plain fabric.


I love the look of the basted quilt - this is a quilt "sandwich" of backing material, batting (bamboo/cotton in my case) and quilt top. It looks very punk/frankenstein to me with all the safety pins holding it together.


I won't say there were no dramas along the way.

I won't say there are no bits of quilting that need to be ripped out. (the new quilting is already there - I just couldn't sew a straight line sometimes to save myself.) Nor that the lines are entirely straight (and there is a reason why I didn't quilt it any further!).


But it does look quite fine indeed unless you study it closely.


I was ultrapleased with the backing - a $4 IKEA doona (duvet) cover from the op shop. I just so happened to see it and suddenly the idea of a plain brown backing with a strip of pieced colourwork went straight out the window. The only problem was did I use the striped side or the big spotty side?

I went with the stripes.

This quilt is about twice the size of my first quilt - this one would almost fit a single (twin) bed. The other is barely lap sized. It was a lot more effort to quilt - shoving it through the machine was quite hard. Doesn't help that I don't have a large table for the machine, nor that it has to share with other stuff. Still all the work was worthwhile!

This week has been very hard. Too Much To Do, and that blasted tangerine top has sucked about 30 hours so far. This week, that is, not all up. This is why I count my knitted sample stuff as pin money, not earnings. I'll get maybe $2 an hour for the work on this. I won't do similar tops in the future - I have learned my lesson! But you'll see the outcome in a day or two - I only have one sleeve to set in and the side seams to sew up. Oh My God it has been a LOT of work!



  1. You must stop immediately saying all the negative things about your quilt. It is just beautiful, it's stunning!! You are very clever and have stick at-ability!!! Fabulous find for the backing!!
    Sorry about the Tangerine Terror Top.

  2. I LOVE your zigzag quilt - the transitional colors are beautiful - and I can see why you changed your backing plans - what a gorgeous find!

  3. The quilt has come out gorgeous, wonderful colour changes throughout, perfect backing, and no one is going to see wonky seams unless you tell them they are there...so stop telling them :-)


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