
Hello to my three readers! LOL! My audience grows!

I have to say that I am getitng over Blogger rather badly at present. I've not been able to log in for a number of days or it takes several tries whilst it says I don't exist. It has eaten two posts over the last three days, and when it didn't eat my Stashomatic post, my blasted system decided that it needed more memory and shut down my browser most kindly for me! Then I write up a whole post and preview it and somehow managed to follow a link and when I went backwards VAMOOSE! All gone!

Maybe I should write this up offline. Third time lucky for the Stashomatic post. Here goes....

Imagine having a Stashomatic. Imagine a system that would neatly and quickly tuck away all your new stash into a convenient, accessible and attractive unit. It could categorise the yarn by colour, weight and type so that when you wanted to see that yarn again, it would pull it out. It could present whole shelves of yarn for your perusal and then put them away again if they didn't have what you wanted.

imagine that....

Of course what I really have is a system where I have a number of little trolleys that are now overflowing with yarn. My current projects trolley is too full to keep my current current projects in it. Instead they follow me around the house (mostly) in bags or sit by the computer on bits of paper (the roving for my spinning) so that I can do a bit of blog-crawling whilst spinning or knitting. Worse, new stash has no home, so it sits in a bag on the floor. And stash that is pulled out of the overflowing trolleys can't be squeezed back in so it teeters on top of the trolleys.

Here's last week's stash grab:
new stash

The white is a wool/polyamide mix that I thought I might make the Snowdrop Shawl out of. Or maybe not. The teal blue is the same deal. There's three hundred metres of yarn on each 50g ball. Eeek, I don't normally do stuff that fine....

300m per 50g ball white wool

Mohair mixes, a cashmere mix and the teal blue wool mix:

The red mohair and the green mossy mohair have 600m on each 50g ball. Ack! That is even finer than the white!
miles of meterage

Last and maybe least, the pretty blues and pinks of the chenille:
chenille aka caterpillars

Plus I bought some nice cotton for some summer tops, not that I'll be able to make a top with only two balls (no I don't do bikinis and most certainly not cotton bikinis), but combined with other stuff that I have stashed away, they should look fab:

Cotton Fizz pinks and blues

The observant may have also noticed a lone ball of Rondo floating around the stash pic. I figured it might just be good scarf material, especially at half its normal price.

In other news, my LYS Craftee Cottage often runs classes in various woolly and embroidery pursuits. On Saturday, I gave up on wedding preparation and did a needlefelting class instead. This is what I made:

needlefelted Santa

Since then I've given him eyebrows and squinty-sorta eyes. He looks really good now I reckon. He needed that bit more character. Nathan calls him my voodoo Santa cos to make them you have to stab them thousands of times with a special needle.

Finally, here are the flowers my workmates gave me before I went on my four weeks of annual leave. Glorious lilies. And they have such a strong scent that they were able to fight off the aromas of me boiling dry *and* melting a dye experiment on the stove.... oops!

fab flowers



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