
G'day all!

It is PANIC time! Yes, only 11 days to Christmas and I have not finished all the Christmas stuff. I don't think Nathan's socks are going to get done - I still have his mum's Boobie scarf to do, along with the Kris Kringle bag (which is waaaay OTT) for my boss boss by Friday and I have to work up some presents for the inlaws. Fun fun fun!

No pics today - gotta do too much!

But here is a link to a, ahem, "craft" that I haven't seen take off yet.....



  1. Anonymous6:04 am

    Haha -- I think those little numbers would make a great gag gift! It's hilarious, but I think they look darn comfy, too! Thanks for the visit and the link!

    I'll have to explore your blog a bit further, but love the Soaker and the cute, little bags! My sis is due in May/June and that would be a nice thing to make for her -- yet another thing to add to the baby knitting list!



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