
Well, we are still progressing towards getting married. Today was another umm not quite so much fitting of the dress as getting the hem of the overdress ready to be hemmed if that makes sense.

It is going to be verra nice! Some of my friend have seen the unfinished dress and they are jealous :-) What better accolade can one have than have ones friends jealous?? Especially when they know how much work it is to make a full on dress with embroidered bits, etc, cos they have done it/avoided doing it themselves :-)

Not much knitting recently, though I did cast on, yet again, for the merino top with the wool I dyed in magenta and purple/blue. It is pretty hot. Pity that I cast on once before and frogged back twice on the jumper so far after getting from the neck down to the body of a top-down raglan. Then I ripped it all out cos I figured that it would actually fit nathan quite well, only he is 6'5" and over 100kg. But it isn't his colours - cream, magenta and purple. And I wanty to make it for ME! LOL. He would look totally darling in it :-) But that isn't the look I like for him. Anyway, I am hoping I have gotten the maths right this time - the recipe I was using makes a sweater and I want a neat fitting top.

Done a bit more spinning too - beautiful blue/purple/mauve merino with 15% silk. I've been drafting out the different colours and making some mainly purple and mainly teal/aquamarine colours with some non-seperable stuff left over. OK, lots of left over stuff that seems to have a large amount of silk in it. It keeps separating - most annoying. I'll just have to add some more of the separated colours back in.

Had enough yapping to my non-existant audience today. The server here is playing up - Nathan is going to reinstall the old kernal that does not freeze up on random occasions (like four times whilst I've been writing this). Tomorrow I might scan the results of some of my spinning so far. I am very pleased with it. Then I might tell some friends to come looky at my blog. Enjoy!

And someday I might tell the tale of looking at the enormous B-double semi-trailer that decided to do a u-turn and then undecided to do a u-turn and tried to go back the way he had come...


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