OldRedBarnCo smackdown

G'day all!

I started quilting because of Dana over at Old Red Barn Co back in 2009.  I've been participating in most of the quiltalongs we've done through her Flickr group, oldredbarnco quiltalong.  This has to be the quickest project ever.

The challenge was to find a colour palette on one of the many colour palette websites and design a quilt/wall hanging/lap quilt/mugrug/something quilty from it.  The challenge was announced around 24th of September and we had until today, Halloween, to finish it.  OK, it was not really a smack down but I just like the word.  Technically it is a quilt challenge throwdown!

I've been meaning to play along but I couldn't find a palette that reflected what I wanted to do.  I really wanted to use colours like the ones in this picture:

By Ballard Locks
I wanted to make something that was all fally/autumnal, though I was also thinking about having bright autumn leaves on wet concrete (something I am seeing a LOT at the moment as it has rained for most of the last two days!).  But woe, I could not find a palette that was what I wanted.

But then I saw one at colourlovers.com. 
Color by COLOURlovers

It was love at first sight.  Giant goldfish, and even better I had all the stuff I needed in stash, well except for the grey which I had bought for this project only I could not find the right palette for the old idea.

So on Sunday I drew up a picture of what I wanted to do.  Then I cut the picture up into squares so I could count how many squares I needed in each colourway.  (Mental note to self - make sure you take a picture of the drawing before you cut it up!). Monday I cut up the material I needed and started sewing and cutting half square triangles.

Tuesday I was still sewing them together into the right picture.  I finished putting the front together, then stole material from the back of another project and basted the quilt. 

This morning I free motion quilted it, put a binding on, sewed down the binding with the machine (no time to do it by hand!)
Almost finished!

and chucked it in the washing machine, then tumbled dried it.  (Shh, yes, I used the dryer!)


I need a bigger eye for it, but I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.  It's a bit rough but it certainly reflects the palette!  Plus it was the quickest thing I've ever done, quicker than mug rugs even.  OK, it is only 26" X 23" (about 65cm by 57cm).

Now I have to get more work done and soon will have to clean the house!  I've been neglectful of my duties recently, getting this done.



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