Goodbye, blue sky

G'day all!

After months of glorious weather (with a couple of hiccups here and there), we've suddenly run into grey.

Brilliant trees dulled by grey skies

I've had just three or so lines from a Pink Floyd song on my brain for days.  "Goodbye, blue sky, goodbye, blue sky, goodbye...goodbye...."  It is getting a little tiresome, but not as much as the grey that will be getting on my nerves soon enough.

We spent yesterday getting more lighting for our place cos just one day of gray and UGH!  I had forgotten how dull it gets.  At least it isn't cold yet.  The terrarium now has lights only about a year after we first bought the glass cabinet with the idea of turning it into a terrarium (though really it is an African Violet house), we have monstrously large bright lights in the bedroom that will feel like the sun has just risen....  Nathan even has plans to computer control them through dimmers.

A rather large AV flower, not its true colour.

I have two more quilts almost done and have not got the others that are done (and in use!) photographed yet.  That is ok cos the two that only want the binding sewn down are large - on is almost a king size quilt - and it is going to take some time to sew the binding down.  I could use the sewing machine but I am neither a good nor patient machine sewist (do you like this new word - sewist?  Sounds a bit better than sewer) and my hand sewing is quite neat and tidy.  Anyway, it gives me plenty of time to get the others photographed.

I made a discovery yesterday.  I found out why my strip sets (quilts!  Strips of fabric, not other sorts of stripping!) always curve.  It's because I break The Laws of Quilting

Lesson learned - sew two strips of fabric together then the next pair, then the next, etc.  Then sew the doublets together from the other end.  Stops your fabric curving like it did in the pic above...

Slightly fuzzy but handheld on a phone at night = pretty good
I have so much to gab on about and seem not to be getting it all down on the blog at the moment.  Last weekend I went to parts of the Nordic Knitting conference, then the Seattle Modern Quilt Guild meeting and sew in, then went for a drive to Mt Rainier (oh gosh it was lovely!).  I am doing too many things at once - I seem to be in a big nesting phase currently.  I want to knit all the things and quilt all the things and there's this thing called work and also housework and cooking and stuff, oh and spinning - I've spun several of the pretties I bought at OFFF already, along with some old stash.  Of course once I've spun a nice yarn, I don't always think of it as being something to knit - it often is just some pretty that I've spun and now what do I do with it?

Love Mt Rainier.

Did I ever blog our amazing amazingness that I am so proud of?  I'll have to go check!



  1. You can add colour to those grey days with your yarns and curvy strip quilts :) . It snowed in the Blue Mts on Friday and then on tues it was 30 degrees. Crazy weather! Looking forward to seeing your quilts.. Love that photo of Mt Rainier!

  2. Anonymous12:51 am

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  3. I like your quilt with it's curve. It is fun!

    I've been listening to klezmer music to try and lift my mood. Maybe I'll graduate to some Greek Ooompah music too. It does help to get going.

  4. Oh, you are sewing and making a bias. I had never thought of that. Very nice strips though. It is dull as dishwater and raining buckets here. I think Autumn is nicer than Spring. You do have such pretty colours!!


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