Starting to feel a bit silly.
Hello to my reader! I think I have one. Gosh how privileged am I?
Still haven't gotten all the pics from Saturday ready to blog. Maybe tomorrow. But tomorrow is for wedding dress making cos Nathan is out in the evening. I have to see how much I can get finished cos I only have twelve, yes count them TWELVE days before it gets its big outing!
Today was an interesting day. We had 10mm of rain overnight and it was pretty gloomy this morning. I crawled out of bed nice and early to get to work early enough to set up training at 10am. As it turned out, I needed to get in at about 6am to overcome the obstacles that suddenly reared their ugly heads.
Eg the good photocopiers suddenly decided to be really really really bad photocopiers. The print quality was not what I have come to expect from them. Indeed, I could have (and that is correct grammar, kiddies, none of this could of - it is could have) thrown toner on the pages and ironed them with almost the same effect. A...