This one's for Mum

G'day all!  Well sorta g'day.

 22 years have passed.

It is too warm to grow good peonies in Melbourne.

22 years since Mum passed, but I prefer to say died.  Passed is too gentle a word, it sounds nothing like what she suffered through or we experienced secondhand.

Oh dear, red/orange with purple.
Shocking, totally shocking.

And what a clashing colour combo!
Mum would've liked the campanula and the
rhodo planted in separate garden beds.

Bit of a wussy colour but smelled ok.

This rose would've gone down well.

I think she would've liked these flowers, especially any she could cut and bring inside.  I've chosen ones that I know she liked to grow or would've liked.

Viburnum, snowball tree.
This was the closest we got to
snowballs in Melbourne.

Mollis azalea, like one of the three
different colours we had.

A stinky rose with stripes.

It's weird - I still dream of her, we still go shopping and occasionally she guest stars in other dreams.  I sometimes wonder if she'd be proud of me or if she'd give me a kick up the backside.  Probably both, at the same time.

Rhododendrons.  I think Mum would've
been fascinated to know there's
a few species native to this coast.

A pink ?mollis? azalea.

Today I had my hair cut, and the hairdresser moved my hair in a certain way and I saw Mum staring back at me (rather blurry cos I need my glasses).  That was a little freaky cos I also look like my father.  Also, the dead thing.

Most of Mum's irises looked like these.
I hope some of the ones I saved
are still growing in our front yard at home.

Variegated irises!  Fancy!

And lovely deep coloured bearded iris!

Pretty bearded irises

 Anyway, May is nearly done.  May here is lovely but May at home is awful - the month that both my parents died, my MiL's best friend died halfway through the month about ten years ago and of course just to top it off, it is coming into winter in Oz.  I am a long days, warm weather person.

Mum loved stinky lilacs
Lilacs are related to privets.
I loathe privet - it gives me asthma.
But lilacs just stink.
Wisteria also can be smelly but is pretty.
And it turns into a green tentacled giant that
takes over the back stairs and balcony.

So these flower pics are for you, Mum.  Hope you and the old man are enjoying the rose bushes that you reside under in the plot with a view of the Dandenongs.  And he better be taking you dancing.

Another iris, just cos.

Even more azaleas.



  1. Lovely flower pics. Bumped into your in-laws a couple of hours ago - quite literally, whoopsie, my fault! Graham's mum died a few weeks ago and she was adamant that she would be dead, not passed over or slipped away or dearly departed or late. She was bloody minded till the end! It is about to bucket down with rain in Melbourne, though it's been a mostly dry and sunnny May.

  2. I also favour the 'dead' word, none of these namby pamby euphemisms for me. Time passes so quickly, yet it could just be yesterday that my dad was alive. I often want to tell him something I know he'd like. Your flower pictures are beautiful. Mind you, it's like a Spring day here today. I hope your June is great!!


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