Aimez Aidez

G'day all!

Ok, the post title doens't make lots of sense but it may or may not rhyme... lol

About six weeks ago I saw that my friend over at Celtic Caston was doing a knit along for a Berroco pattern called Aidez.  Well I hummed and hahhed over it (not hemmed and hawed - we have different vowel sounds to Americans!) and then saw some yarn in my very local yarn shop (The Tea Cozy) that would do nicely and umm, well, I started knitting.  After I bought the yarn (cascade Eco+ in purple heather, shade 7811), of course.

Waiting for breakfast
Despite a little issue with row gauge because I did not use the correct yarn and did not allow for row gauge to be off - always a critical issue in a raglan sleeved item and I knew it would be (ahem!) - it fits quite nicely.  It is nowhere near as loose as the model on the Berroco website.

The back
Hmm, I look like a bit of a linebacker there... not that we play American football much in my country.  I guess holding my handbag (aka purse in the US) was not a good idea.

If the weather had been a bit more cooperative here recently, I would've gotten it done earlier but the blocking took days as I had to do it one piece at a time on the ironing board and steam block it.  It worked out well enough, it just took two days... lol probably as long as it would've if I've wet blocked it.  The problem with wet blocking is that it would then have been pinned out on the bed.  I can't use the guest bed for blocking as it is a fancy pants air mattress.  Oops!

A bad attempt at an arty shot
So it was an easy knit, though do remember that row gauge is critical in raglan sleeved items.  I did some cables with an old knitpicks needle tip from a broken set and some without.  I also modified one of the twists - the left twisting one on the back - because as written, it was just looking messy and not twisted.  I swapped the stitches over, left two behind the right to, making a proper cable crossing.  The right side looked fine as written.

I think you need to see how pretty Nathan's breakfast at Portage Bay was.  He'd already eaten most of one piece of coffee de leche French toast by the time I took this shot.

Yum!  The topping bar is great.
I am also pleased to say it has not rained on me yet today.  Hooray!  We've even seen the sun on occasion :-)



  1. wooo hooo it looks fabulous Lynne and in record time!
    Love the darker framed glasses on you too!

  2. Oh, that cardi looks fabulous, both as a cardi and as a garment on you!! That's a speedy knit too. Yes, the breakfast looks yummy!!


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