Oh my, time flies

G'day all! I was sure I had written a post recently but apparently not. MiL and FiL arrive tomorrow night! It seemed like an age away then a few weeks, then a week and now only a day! And topping it off nicely, I misread the forwarded message (it is in about 6pt and a grey font) and thought they arrive on Sunday.... so we will be very busy people tomorrow. Whoops! Rather blurry night shot of current knitalong on Ravelry I've been madly making stuff and trying to get work done and tidying but we have a bit of tidying to go alas. And cleaning. And Seattle's garbos (rubbish bin collectors) are on strike so it could get a bit dire, especially at the rate I am going through stuff here and cleaning things out. It amazes me how much stuff we accumulate so quickly and how much packaging and random odds and ends just build up. You (I) hang on to things because "they might be useful" or they haven't expired or whatever but they never get chucke...