A finished object - Chemo quilt
G'day all! It is now six years since I started quilting. Six years! I blame Dana from OldRedBarnCo . She started a quiltalong that was going to be easy for beginners to do. I already had a stash of fabric even though I didn't make anything bar the odd project bag for knitting. Okay, so I was already itching to learn how to quilt but I needed an excuse. She led me to the Dark Side and I've never looked back. So I've got a few quilts under my belt now and a machine that is pretty good for machine quilting on now that I've worked out the kinks (aka buy good quality high speed sewing machine needles, tweak the bobbin tension and get smooth multiple ply thread). It was time to finish off an old quilt. One that had given me problems through no fault of the lead of that round of the quiltalong ( JayBirdQuilts - yep part of the way she got her start was through Dana's quiltalong). Nope, it was me who cut half the blocks out one way and half of the...