Stop dying, people!

Another icon of the SF and fantasy world has fallen. Death came to Sir Terry Pratchett, one of my favourite authors, and released him from this mortal coil. Vale, Sir Terry! You gave so many of us much to think about, and much to laugh at and with. Thank you. I admit that I am not anywhere near as sad about this as I was Leonard Nimoy. pTerry was not such a part of my life I guess - I enjoyed many of his books (some I could barely get through - The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic were both so thick with puns and laughs that I could not read them, certainly not in public on the train) and his world view is one I share but I guess it comes down to me discovering his work when I was already grown up, and never having a crush on him. Also Alzheimer's is a mongrel thing, and I share one other aspect of Sir Terry's beliefs. In other news, umm... well what has been happening? Not that much really - I've been getting outside to enjoy the g...