Australia Day, survivor day...

G'day all! (in which I get political, unusual for me) Every year on the 26th of January, we celebrate Australia Day. By celebrate, I mean we get a day off, usually attached to the weekend if at all possible and have a barbie and a booze up. That is the classic Australia Day. For some people, it is Invasion Day. For others, it is Survivor Day. The indigenous don't have much to celebrate. For me? This year I have a feeling of dismay. I'm so disappointed in the direction my country seems to be heading. We've been an inclusive society for all of my life and longer, though the first immigrants breaking the White Australia policy found things pretty tough (and I'm not even talking about the Asian refugees of the 60s and 70s - I'm talking the Greek and Italians who came to Australia after WWII. Yep they are white but the wrong colour white - not the lily white skins of Poms who burned red in the fierce Australian sun). We are turning into a...