
G'day all! Just a quickie here. I realised I forgot my blogiversary, again! I forget it every single year. This blog is over nine years old now. Next year it will hit double digits. It is already in its tenth year. Some of my readers have been around since the start, or near the start, and I'd like to thank them, even if I'm not sure exactly who you are! LOL Some readers haven't been around for long, but thanks for popping by anyway! I'd like to know some of you better - I don't look at my stats enough and if you do leave a comment, the brokenness that is Blogger's commenting system (or the borkedness that is my inability to work out what to do with the commenting system) means I can't reply to people whose emails I don't have via my email (I should load my blog and answer from there - I think I can but I'm not sure). But it doesn't mean I don't appreciate your comments! Well not unless you are telling me about this su...