Seattle Six

G'day all! 12 is a big number around here, being all to do with Seattle Seahawks and the 12th man - did you know that American football has 11 players active on the ground at any one time and the twelfth man is the spectators watching the game? I didn't. I know about the 12th man in cricket but not this thing that has been adopted here regarding what I usually call gridiron. But I don't want to talk about American football and I don't want to talk about 12, I want to talk about six. Yes, we have now been in Seattle for six years (and a number of days). Six years. Where has the time gone? This is our seventh winter - how have we managed? Some people love gloom but we are solar powered. And Seattle tends to be rather gloomy in winter. I manage by making stuff like crazy, I wear bright colours, and I hang out online on Ravelry. Without my rav mates, I'd be bored out of my brain. I'd get a job but I don't have a work permit and that me...