Slow slow slow

G'day all! It was a slow week this week. Had lunch with a friend on Monday then had bucketloads of work to do. The weather was dull for most of the week (after being brilliant early on Sunday) and well, it was a good week for getting work done. OK, it took until Thursday for me to make any really good headway - I have way too many things I am trying to work on at once, all for the one project, and I keep overthinking stuff. But the grey encouraged me to stay home. A hint of the glory to come. Then on Friday suddenly the weather pulled a stunning reversal. The fog and cloud cleared and the skies washed to a brilliant blue. It is times like those days that I marvel that I live in this place. I also decided I had worked four days and needed a break, so I took off to Richmond Beach, a place I almost went to a year ago but the six or seven way stop by the beach confused me enough that I took the wrong direction and went on an adventure (aka ...