Bamboo, oh how I adore thee!

G'day all!

I had a lovely time chatting at a LYS, my favourite LYS, today. It just has a nice feel and I could hang out there quite happily. They asked me twice if I was going to come along to their knit night so I guess I will, especially since DH is away next week and I am on my lonesome! They won't know what has hit them cos I'll just blather non-stop. I won't have had anyone to talk to for a day and a half, so I'll be ready to talk the hind leg off a donkey.

The aim of my trip to the LYS was actually to get a new set of circs. I was tired of the ones I had to knit DH's jumper. I had been knitting it on Denises with a loooooong cable but they grabbed the wool (two strands of DK) and hung onto it like terriers. I bought a set of bamboo circs (a whole $8.80 plus tax) to help knit DH's jumper with. Ahhhh, bamboo, how I do love thee! Now the jumper just glides around and around and around with hardly any effort, and the yarn has gone from feeling like steel wool to just feeling like sheep's wool again.

So now the knitting is zipping along. I have 10 rows of this colour, 13 rows of this colour and the next one blended and then however many rows (say 14 rows of plain knitting and 10 rows of rib) to go on the body! That is only umm, just under 50 rows of 165 stitches per row, oh, only 8,000 or so stitches to go? And then there are the sleeves to finish - they are up to the last colour but need to be longer than the body.... Hmm, I'd best get a wriggle on!



  1. Anonymous4:19 pm

    I didn't try any bamboo needles for a long time because I thought they would be too grabby, but I like them!

  2. Good luck with the sweater! :) I love bamboo needles too!


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